Store Anatomy
Stores allow you to encapsulate state and logic in single, reusable object.
Why Encapsulate State and Logic in the Store?
The store definition is self-contained, allowing you to reuse it to create multiple instances of the same store with the same extensions and effects eg for Local State Management.
Additionally, it helps to keep your code organized and provides useful autocompletion and type checking.
import { store } from '@davstack/store';
export const userStore = store()
name: 'John',
age: 25,
.computed((store) => ({
fullName: () => `${} Doe`,
.actions((store) => ({
incrementAge() {
store.age.set(store.age.get() + 1);
// fully typed
Core store concepts:
- State: a single source of truth that can be accessed and modified.
- Actions: functions that modify the state.
- Computed Properties: derived values that are updated when the state changes.
Additional store concepts:
- Extensions: allow you to assign any additional properties to the store, while keeping the store definition self-contained and reusable. (see extensions)
- Effects: side effects that run when the state changes, such as logging or API calls. (See onChange and effects)
- Store Options: additional options such as middlewares, devtools, and state persistence. (See options)